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How we help

Kaiasm helps technology and engineering teams in large private and public sector organisations solve difficult data project problems - innovatively and productively.

Our approach is ontology-led. We begin with real-world things that are being modelled - such as road or rail network objects, concepts and processes. We then show our clients how and where the data that represents those real world things are stored in the organisation’s documents, applications, classifications and databases.

Fundamentally, we change how people think about data (mind-set), while providing our skill-set hands-on at the start of a project, and then offering our tool-set at handover, so clients can run with it.


We show clients a new way of seeing, understanding and talking about their data - one that is common across all parts of the organisation and supply chain.


Our clients and partners can use Kaiasm consultants to deliver early results, while we train their teams in our methodology and tooling so they can avoid dependency, and go onto scale the process themselves


Our clients and partners can license our proprietary methodology and OntoKai SaaS tools

10 common problems and how we solve them

    • I need to deliver a data project, but I don’t know what data we have or where it all is

      Kaiasm builds a map of all data systems and instances which shows where they are, what’s in them, how much data there is, what format it’s in, who owns it, etc. We then hand the cartography tools over to you - our OntoKai SaaS tool - to manage and maintain the map going forward.

    • We’re doing a project to integrate data and systems but the business team and the technology team do not speak the same language

      Kaiasm extracts all data models and system structures and builds them into a conceptual model. The concepts in this model hold the synonyms and descriptions that translate for all audiences.

    • I’m trying to de-risk vendor and technology lock-in on my next data project

      We provide conceptual models of your data, so you can see and understand it without depending on any specific technology or vendor. When it comes to hand-over, we provide that model in a standard data format - such as JSON.

    • We need a map of the data, systems and infrastructure for our organisation to support our planning

      Kaiasm is like a map-maker in that ontologies are maps capable of holding hugely complex models of data and systems. What’s more, we have developed a human-friendly visualisation approach, so the ontologies are accessible to all stakeholders.

    • I need to transform my retail category management and product data to support customer demand

      Kaiasm has long supported retailers in creating detailed conceptual models of unstructured customer search demand, merged with category and product data models. This aligns merchandising, SEO (search engine optimisation) and product information management to market need.

    • I need to make our data estate ready for machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), and I don’t know where to start…

      A Kaiasm ontology helps prepare data for ML and AI by providing a structured and standardised way of representing the knowledge and information you hold, in the context of your specific domain of interest.

    • I want a common data model to support our data but it is distributed and sits across different environments

      A Kaiasm ontology-led conceptual framework will be the best way to reliably generate a model that works across all systems and environments. Maintained beyond a specific project, such a common data model will support the internal management of integration projects going forward.

    • We work with multiple standards and classification systems, so we need a common classification approach so we can map across them

      Kaiasm has created tools to merge standards together into common conceptual models, allowing for transformations between standards as well as development of common standards.

    • We’ve got a lot of unstructured data, and we really need to be able to classify it better

      Kaiasm is a specialist in creating formal conceptual models out of unstructured data.

    • I need to design a data governance approach

      A formalised conceptual model of the data to be governed will allow you to design and validate your governance metadata design - to plot a course from where you are now and where you need to get to, and how you are progressing along that path.

    Sound like you? contact us

    In our experience, the bigger and more complex your data estate, the more likely you are to be having these sorts of problems. Even if your estate isn’t particularly big or complex, some of these problems can seem intractable. While we typically find ourselves supporting big government departments, such as the NHS, National Highways or the Houses of Parliament, we are very comfortable working with private companies, particularly if you are trying to do something important or cool.

    Ontology Architect